Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Jalan-jalan ke Tasik Memang Asyik

Kota Tasikmalaya terletak di sekitar 60 Km dari barat Garut. Tasikmalaya merupakan nama ibukota dari kabupaten yang sama. Kota ini dikenal dengan barang-barang kerajinan tangan dari rotan. Daun pohon palem dan bambu digunakan sebagai bahan untuk membuat tikar, keranjang, asbak, topi anyaman, dan payung kertas.

Tasikmalaya atau sering disingkat dengan nama Tasik saja, juga dikenal karena kerajinan renda bordil dan sendal kayu (kelom Geulis). Kota ini juga memiliki sebuah industri batik kecil. Bagi wisatawan, Tasikmalaya adalah kota transit, namun beberapa tempat di sekitar Tasik memiliki beberapa obyek wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi.

Jika Anda tertarik membeli barang-barang kerajinan dari rotan dengan harga relatif murah maka Desa Rajapolah, 12 Km utara Tasimalaya merupakan pusat pembuatan barang kerajinan. Di sini wisatawan dapat membeli barang-barang dari rotan langsung kepada pembuatnya.

Obyek wisata Cipanas Galunggung merupakan kawasan wisata air panas yang terletak di kaki Gunung Galunggung, sebuah gunung api yang pernah meletus secara dramatik pada 1982. Cipanas Galunggung terletak 20 Km barat laut Tasikmalaya. Dari taman rekreasi air panas Cipanas Galunggung, wisatawan dapat meneruskan perjalanan mengikuti jalan kecil ke sebuah air tejun kecil dan terus ke kawah Gunung Galunggung sejauh 3 Km.
View desa dan sawah di Tasikmalaya (foto: Istimewa)

Situ Lengkong yang terletak sekitar 40 Km utara Tasikmalaya, 500 meter dari Desa Panjalu, adalah danau yang tenang dan damai dan di tengahnya terdapat sebuah pulau kecil yang ditutupi pepohonan. Danau ini sebenarnya adalah danau buatan yang terbentuk ketika penguasa Panjalu yang beragama Hindu membuat bendungan untuk menahan air keluar dari lembah yang berada di tempat ini. Di danau ini pengunjung dapat menyewa perahu untuk berkeliling mendekati pulau di tengahnya.

Di jalan yang menuju ke Banjar dan Pangadaran, sekitar 16 Km dari Ciamis terdapat kawasan penggalian arkeologis Karang Komulyan yaitu tempat dimana dulu Kerajaan Galuh pernah berjaya. kerajaan Galuh adalah kerajaan Hindu pertama di Jawa. Hanya terdapat sedikit sisa bangunan bersejarah di sini yaitu berupa dinding-dinding batu dan pondasi bangunan yang antara lain menunjukkan tempat pemandian, tempat berdoa dan tempat penyimpanan barang.

(Tasikmalaya city located about 60 km from west Main Page. Tasikmalaya is the name of the capital of the same district. The city is known for its handicrafts items from rattan. Palm leaves and bamboo are used as materials for making mats, baskets, ashtrays, hat weaving, and paper umbrellas.Tasikmalaya or often abbreviated by the name Sea of ​​course, well known for its brothels and sandals lace craft wood (clogs Geulis). The city also has a small batik industry. For tourists, Tasikmalaya is a transit city, but a few places around Tasik has some interesting attractions to visit.If you are interested in buying items handicrafts from rattan with a relatively cheap price then Rajapolah Village, 12 km north Tasimalaya is central to the manufacture of handicrafts. Here tourists can buy goods directly to the makers of rattan.

Galunggung Cipanas tourist attraction is the tourist area of ​​hot springs located at the foot of Mount Galunggung, a volcano that has erupted dramatically in 1982. Cipanas Galunggung located 20 km northwest of Tasikmalaya. Of hot water parks Cipanas Galunggung, tourists can go on to follow a small path to a small tejun water and continue into the crater of Mount Galunggung distance of 3 km. 

Situ Lengkong located about 40 Km north of Tasikmalaya, 500 meters from the village of Panjalu, is a quiet and peaceful lakes and in the middle there is a small island covered with trees. This lake is actually an artificial lake that formed when the Hindu ruler Panjalu build dams to hold water out of the valley that was in this place. In this lake visitors can hire a boat to get around to approach the island in the middle.

On the road to Banjar and Pangadaran, about 16 km from there Ciamis Komulyan Coral area archaeological excavation that is the place where first the kingdom of Galuh had triumphed. Galuh kingdom is the first Hindu kingdom in Java. There are only a few remaining historic buildings here is the form of stone walls and foundations of buildings which, among other shows bathhouse, a place of prayer and storage of goods.)

Mount Batur Of Bali

Gunung Batur
Bangli District is the only district of Bali Province that has no sea territory. However Bangli District store a number of potential such as the beautiful panorama of Mount and Lake Batur located in Kintamani district.

Bangli is the city clean and tidy, and many have a number of interesting temples such as Pura Kahen which is the best temple in east Bali. Bangli easily reached by public transport because it is located on the highway between Batubulan terminal in Denpasar and sights of Mount Batur through Penelokan.

In the south about 6 miles from the city of Bangli, Bali Garden Village there is a waterfall called the Waterfall Village because it is situated in the Village of Yellow Yellow Hamlet. This waterfall is located at an altitude of 25 meters above the river that flows soar to the south. This location can be achieved with various types of transport and of this small village can be reached by foot as far as 500 meters. Cold regions with cool weather combined with the green foliage enhance the charm of a natural waterfall. And not far from this place there is a forest inhabited by hundreds of monkeys.

Mount Batur, which had experienced up to three times the eruption on; 1917, 1926 and 1994, is still active with a height of 1500 meters above sea level. To achieve this takes approximately one hour's drive from Denpasar. At the foot of Mount Batur lake there is an atmosphere that provides stunning views. Hiking to the summit for about 3 hours to see Mount Agung and Mount Rinjani.
Map Bali

For tourists, the area of ​​Batur perhaps better known as Kintamani region. A very cool area is located in the village of Batur, Kintamani District Level II Regional District Bangli. Batur Region Tourism is at an altitude of 900 m above sea level with cool air air temperatures during the day and cold at night. To reach this location from the capital city of Bangli distance 23 km. These attractions can be traversed by vehicles, because this location connects cities and towns Bangli Singaraja. While the route object, connecting with the Tourism Regions Tourism Tampaksiring Batur and Besakih. The sources which mention Batur is Lontar Kesmu Gods. Ejection Usana Bali and Raja Purana Lontar Batur. Pura Batur stated that has existed since the time of the professor Kuturan the tenth century until the beginning of the eleventh century. The extent of the area and many pelinggih-pelinggih it is forecast that the Pura Batur is Penyiwi kings who ruled in Bali, was also a Jagat heaven.

At Pura Batur is the Goddess Danu diistanakan mentioned in Lontar Usana Bali that translation as follows: It is the story, took place in Marga Sari (month to V) time Krishna Forced (Tilem) tersebutlah Betara Pasupati in India are transferring the summit of Mount Meru divided Supreme into two, held with his left hand and right and then brought to Bali is used as the Son he is Betara sthana Putrajaya (Hyang Supreme Deity) and the top of the mountain that brought his left hand into Mount Batur as sthana Betari Danuh, that's both as ulunya island of Bali.

This mountain is a symbol of the second element of Purusa and Pradana of Sang Hyang Widhi. Pura Batur is a place of worship of Hindus in Bali Bali, especially around the Central, Northern and Eastern pleading safety in the field of rice. Hence, in the revered saint who fell on Purnamaning to X (kedasa) all the people, especially in all kelian subak, sedahan-sedahan come to deliver to Suwinih Pura Batur. Similarly, if a disaster pests.

The name of the area attractions Batur adapted to the existing potential of Mount Batur and Lake Batur. The name comes from the name Pura Batur Mount Batur, which is one temple in heaven Sad Emong by Villagers Batur. Before the eruption of Mount Batur in 1917, Pura Batur located in southwest foot of Mount Batur. Due to the damage caused by the eruption of Mount Batur, then Pura Batur with villagers moved in place now. The remains of a black frozen lava, Mount Batur tegak looming, Lake Batur blue shade, is an attraction for every visitor. From Penelokan can see the blue of Lake Batur and froth-foam boat that pulled up to accompany the driver and passengers while cater to tourists is common in every crossing of the Village to Village Trunyan Kedisan. The fishermen are also busy on Lake Batur coloring fish tilapia fish whose catch is sold in the market town of Bangli, so in Bangli known as satay mujairnya which is a typical food Bangli District.

In general, tourists who visit Mount Batur gathered in Penelokan located on the edge of the crater of Mount Batur. From Penelokan tourists can enjoy the panoramic summit of Mount Batur and Lake Batur is located at the bottom.

To get to the edge of the lake, the tourists have Penelokan road down the hill with a steep, rocky and sandy Kedisan until he came to the village on the edge of the lake. The landscape is very impressive Penelokan and panoroma tourists can enjoy nature while having lunch at some restaurants that are here. Besides Penelokan still plenty of other places that you can singgahi on area attractions include Mount Batur; Kedisan, Batur Village, Writing, Fruits, Trunyan, Kuban, Toya Bungkah and Songan.

Toyabungkah including Batur Village area, located at the foot of Mount Batur, or on the edge of Lake Batur West a distance of approximately 6 km from the village of residence. Is a natural hot springs are utilized daily to soak the body because they can cure diseases especially skin diseases. The biggest village is situated on the edge of Lake Batur is a starting point for tourists who would climb to the summit of Mount Batur. Climbing is usually done in the early morning in order to reach the top at the time so that the air is still bright scenery becomes clear.

If tourists want to soak in the bath is rather closed then it can go to Hot Springs Tirta Sanjiwani Complex. Soak in the bath is very fun and also can eliminate body aches, especially for those who just returned climb to the summit of Mount Batur.
From the heights Penelokan tourists can see from a distance at the end of Lake Batur, under the steep hill, a village called Trunyan village inhabited by the BaliAga which is a native of Bali before Majapahit arrival of people. Near Trunyan, in Kuban, there are complex burial Bali Aga people that can only be reached by motor boat. Trunyan society does not burn or bury the deceased members of the public, but only placed in a bamboo cage, the body will self-destruct, but strangely does not spread bad smell.

In Bangli region is also known as a tourist village located Panglipuran above an altitude of 700 meters above sea level. Derived from the word meaning relaxation Penglipuran because since the time of the kingdom has become a resting place.

Nginep di Kampung Naga, Berkeringat Sedikit Bertenaga

Jika ingin merasakan kehidupan di kampung Sunda yang sebenarnya, Anda dapat merasakan sensasi utuh penuh eksotik dengan mengunjungi Kampung Naga. Di antara Garut dan Tasikmalaya terdapat Kampung Naga yaitu sebuah desa tradisional Sunda yang masih murni dengan bangunan rumah penduduknya yang bergaya Sunda asli. Tradisi lama berusia ratusan tahun yang diwariskan secara utuh turun-temurun masih tetap dipertahankan di desa yang memiliki panorama yang sangat cantik ini.

Untuk mencapat tempat ini, wisatawan dapat menggunakan kendaraan umum dari Garut menuju Tasikmalaya dan berhenti di Neglasari, 26 Km dari Garut. Kecantikan desa ini telah mengundang banyak wisatawan mancanegara untuk berkunjung ke sini. Namun demikian kedatangan wisatawan tersebut tetap tidak mengurangi kecantikan dan kemurnian budaya di sini. Pengunjung yang datang harus ditemani seorang pemandu.

Kampung Naga ini merupakan salah satu permukiman tradisional rakyat Parahyangan. Berarsitektur adaptif, menyelarasi lingkungannya. Terletak di lembah subur, di kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat. Dusun ini dibatasi hutan, sawah, dan aliran sungai Ciwulan. Di capai setelah menuruni 300 anak tangga yang berkelok menuju lembah. Kampung Naga yang sekarang adalah permukiman baru yang dibangun, setelah kampung lama dibumihanguskan oleh gerombolan DI/TII Kartosuwiryo tahun 1956. 

Benda sakral, senjata adat, buku sejarah Naga, semuanya berbahasa Sansekerta. Akibatnya, penduduk tak tahu lagi asal usul nenek moyang mereka menamai desa mereka Kampung Naga. Namun demikian, mereka tetap kuat memegang dan memelihara tradisi adat Naga. Saat kampung dibangun kembali, desain rumah sedikit berubah ; jendela ditambah pada setiap hunian. Dusun ini prototipe kampung Sunda dengan pola perkampungan khas masyarakat yang sudah maju.